Pre-Vail is a pre-inoculant for use in alfalfa and other clovers that is popular with gardeners all over the world. In this guide, we will assist you before you buy Pre-Vail by running through how Pre-Vail inoculant can be used for clover seeds as well as basic guidelines on how to use it and its benefits.
What is Pre-Vail?
Pre-Vail Clover Seed Inoculant from Verdesian Life Sciences is a pre-inoculant that is clay-based for easy application and instant results. It is used in a seed build-up coat and can be used for re-inoculation of previously inoculated seed. It is listed in Germany with FiBL organic status and is registered for use there as well as in France.
What does Pre-Vail do?
Pre-Vail True Clover and Alfafa/True Clover Combination have both been specially formulated to improve the quality of early seedlings with a blend of three inoculants. Through much testing and improvement, it has been proven to do this through stimulating better root development and nodulation which results in better nitrogen fixation with high levels of rhizobium of up to 100 million viable cells per gram. It is also combined with 100 million azospirillum brasilense cells per gram which is an organic biological plant growth promoter that boosts the health of plants and improves stand establishment.
What are the benefits?
By improving the beginning of the life of clover seeds, alfalfa and other clover yields can greatly increase for better reliability and longevity of crops. This means that less money is spent later on when health issues of clover may arise without this head start.
How is Pre-Vail applied?
To apply Pre-Vail, firstly ensure you are using it for the supported legumes. Then, ensure that the seed is dry and clean before application. Because Pre-Vail is designed to adhere to seed naturally, it does not need sticking agents to work. Apply at a rate of 227 g per 27 kg of seed and allow it to mix. When thoroughly mixed, the treated seed should appear white. Ensure that the seed coat is oxygen permeable and if used for previously inoculated seed, gently and at a slow pace, screen the seed to shake off excess inoculant material first.
Pre-Vail True Clover and Alfalfa/True Clover combination can also be used to inoculate seed mixtures. In this case, you need to separately inoculate each legume seed component of the mixture, using the correct rhizobial strain for each. Then, combine the pre-inoculated components into the final seed mixture.
Ensure you check expiration dates and label seed bags accordingly. A seed that has been inoculated with Pre-Vail only or alongside metalaxyl/mefenoxam has the same expiration date as the product itself. Seed treated with Pre-Vail and thiram has an expiration date of up to 9 months.